What is a brew hiker?

Why it’s a person who goes on brew hikes of course!

What is a brew hike?

A brew hike is a hike between two or more breweries, naturally stopping at each to enjoy rest and refreshment before continuing on with the hike.

Isn’t that called a pub crawl?

No, a pub crawl is a stumble between any number of bars, drinking whatever you want to drink. A brew hike is a hike, between breweries, where you drink beer. Different.

Well so what, go on your brew hike and leave us alone then!

We can’t! Beer drinking and hiking are social activities. Our respect for humanity requires us to share the magic of the brew hike, with YOU!

OK, so when can I got on a brew hike?

Anytime you want! Our hope here is to encourage and facilitate your enjoyment of these healthy activities. We’ll create, try, and share routes here.

Do you have a idea for a brew hike? Tell us about it using our contact form and we’ll see if we can’t make it so!